
Why I chose the individuals on which I based the genealogy.

Roots - The genealogy has its roots in Sweden, and begins with my great-great
grandparents.  I chose this generation for two reasons.   First, it was one of the last
generations of independent peasant farmers.   At the start of my great-great grandparent's
lives, many of the people in Sweden lived in the same houses and worked in the same fields
using the same medieval agricultural practices that generations before them had done.   By
the end of their lives, the population of Sweden had doubled.   Many people moved to large
cities, or emigrated to North America.  The 19th century was a period of great
transformation, and it thus seemed like an excellent springboard for this genealogy.

Branches - The genealogy also branches out with the ten children of my great-
grandparents.   I became quite interested in this generation.   What had happened to them
during a period of such economic and social transformation?   Did any of them stay in the
villages that their ancestors had lived in for hundreds of years?   Had others come to
America, as my great grandparent's had?  I found the descendants of my
great-great-grandparents all over the world, but especially in Sweden, the USA and Canada.

Places - This section will be developed later...

Corrections and Additions - The genealogy is a work-in-progress.   I would truly
appreciate your help.    Send me an e-mail if you find something missing or incorrect.    Also,
the genealogy would be greatly enhanced with pictures or ancestor biographies, if you are
willing to share them.    Send an electronic photo, article or history.   Finally, for
information about sources, please contact me.   It was just too hard to add footnotes!