Welcome! This is the genealogy of a large family that has its roots in Sweden, and its branches in both Sweden and North America. It is traced from the 1600s to the present time - approximately thirteen generations. The genealogy is organized as follows:
Roots - The section traces four individuals born in Sweden in the early 1800s. Going back as many as seven generations to the 1600s, these individuals are the Roots of the genealogy, and are also my great-great grandparents.
Branches - The section traces ten children of the individuals above for up to six generations forward to the present time. The children are the Branches of the genealogy, and include my great grandparents and all of their siblings. If you don't know where you or your family belong, try the website search box below.
Places - The section focuses on the principle locations that have been a part of the family history, and will be completed later.
I hope that you enjoy the genealogy, and that you will contact me with additions, corrections, pictures, stories, and/or your thoughts..
Kathryn Brewer