Eva Katarina Petersdotter (Elmer)
Eva in North America with family, approximately1903.   
From left back row, clockwise:   Hildur, Herman, Frieda,
Martin, Eva, Wilhelm, and Carl.

Eva Katarina Petersdotter was
born in April, 1851, in the
village of Hornanäs, within the
parish of Linneryd.   Her
family had lived in Hornanäs
for generations, since at least
the 1600s.

Eva was the third and last child
of Peter Nilsson and Ingrid
Mattisdotter.   She had two
older sisters:   Johanna, who
was 8 when she was born, and
Helena who was 5 years old.   

The three girls and their parents lived in Hornanäs for seventeen years.   Then,
Eva and her parents moved to the neighboring village of Siggahult in 1868.   Eva’s
older sister Helen also lived with them briefly in Siggahult, but then married and
moved to Fagrasjö.  Her oldest sister, Johanna, who had been farming and raising a
family in Hornanäs , left the village in 1874 to begin farming with her husband’s
family.   This was the first time in many generations that there were no family
members in Hornanäs.

Eva married in 1874.   Two years later, the newlywed couple moved back to
Hornanäs and began farming.   

Eva’s husband Wilhelm had lived in the neighboring parish of Ljuder.   He was 22
years old, and Eva was 23.    The marriage record describes Wilhelm as a person
entering farm ownership.   Eva was described as a ‘farm maid’ of a farmer who did
not own his own land.   The couple settled on a 3/16 mantal farm in Hornanäs.     

On Feb 6, 1875, Wilhelm and Eva’s first child, Carl Edwin, was born.   Three years
later, on Sep 23, 1878, Hildur Theresia was born.   On May 26, 1881, Bror
Herman was born.   On Apr 15, 1883, daughter Frida Viktoria was born.   On Feb
24, 1885, Claus Martin was born.

One month after Claus Martin was born, Wilhelm and Eva left the farm in
Hornanas.  It appears that they returned the farm to the original holder - Johann
Lyon - who had retired from farming when he sold them the farm.   The family
moved back to Ljuder to the village of Kråksjomåla in 1885, perhaps adjacent to
Wilhelm’s sister Ida Sophia.   Here they farmed a 1/12 mantal farmstead, for
approximately one year.

In 1886, when Eva was 35 years old, her husband emigrated to North America,
leaving Eva and the children in Kråksjomåla.   Shortly thereafter, Eva’s last child,
Hjalmar Albert was born.   Hjalmar only lived five years – until 1992.   

As the children grew, they moved to different farms in Linneryd as farmhands –
Carl in 1890, and Bror Herman in 1893.  Eva, and the two girls Hildur and Frida,
continued to maintain their legal residence in Kråksjomåla, although it appears they
spent much of their time with Eva’s family in Linneryd.  Hjalmar’s death was
recorded in Linneryd, as were several of the other children’s confirmations.

In 1894, son Carl emigrated to America.  In 1903, Eva and the rest of the family
also emigrated to North America, settling initially in Stillwater, and ultimately in
St. Paul, Minnesota.   

Eva did not live with her husband in North America, but lived in the homes of her
children.     The 1920 US Census indicates that she lived with her daughter Frieda
and son Martin.   In the 1930 Census, she lived with her son Martin.   Near the end
of her life, she lived at the Linnea Home for the Aged.

Eva died in 1939 of Hypostatic Pneumonia and Cerebral Thrombosis.    She was 88
years old at her death.

Her obituary reads in part as follows:

She is survived by 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.   
Grandma Elmer was at the time of her demise the oldest member of Zion (church)….
The Lord granted her, up until the past year, unusual health and vigor of mind and
body for a person of her advanced age….  She was a devoted and sacrificing
mother who did all in her power to make for her loved ones a cherished home....  
Blessed be her memory!  Amen.