Frans Gustaf Oskar Magnusson

History of Frans Gustaf Oskar Magnusson

Frans Magnusson was born on February 25, 1843 in Nickalycke.   He was the
first son of Magnus Johannesson and  Martha Lisa Isaksson.   A daughter born  
two years earlier, Ingrid Marie, had lived less than a year.   Over time, five more
sisters  and two brothers were born, all but one of which lived past infancy.

Frans’ teenage years were probably filled with hard work.   During the late
1850s, his father worked two 1/4 mantal farm properties.   A mantal is a land
definition which denotes the sufficiency of land to support one family.  During
the 1800s, it is likely that two ¼ mantal farms produced a larger than necessary
yield.  The family employed no farm-hands or farm maids at this time, so it is
likely that the only mature son would be relied upon for much of the work.

Yet Frans was still educated.   During the same period of time,  Frans was tested
and performed sufficiently in a number of areas, including knowledge of the
Catechism, writing, and arithmetic.  

On October 18, 1865, at age 20, Frans married Anna Kristina Johansdotter.   
She was a seventeen year old girl from the neighboring village of Sibbamåla.    
That same day, Frans’ younger sister Johanna was also married.   Frans began his
farming life in Nickalycke by taking over the land from a neighbor.   He, like his
father, farmed two ¼ mantal plots.

Between 1968 and 1887, Frans and Anna had ten children – seven of whom lived
past infancy.    Their first child was a boy, perhaps named after his five year old
uncle - Karl August.  A daughter, Hilda Charlotta, was born in 1871, but only
lived three years.   Emma Matilda was born in 1873.    A second Hilda Charlotta
was born in 1875.   Hilda Helena was born in 1878.   Johan William was born in
1880.   A daughter, Ida Victoria, was born in 1882 but lived only 2 years.  Three
boys – Otto Herman, Conrad Alexander, and Oskar Teador - were born between
1884 and 1887.  Conrad Alexander died after one year.

In 1883, the oldest boy Karl August  left home at age eighteen.   He settled in
Stockholm, and stayed there until at least 1900 with his wife Johanna Nilson.     

In 1889 Frans, now farming only 1/6 mantal, apparently decided to examine
possibilities in moving to North America.   He was 46 years old, and had lived his
entire live in Nickalycke.    He traveled without his family to North American in
April,  returning to Sweden seven months later.   The family meanwhile had moved
to Sibbamåla.    He joined them,  and they all remained there for several years.

In 1893, the four  older children remaining at home  moved to North America
without their parents.    This included  Emma Matilda (age  20), Hilda Charlotta
(age 18), Hilda Helena (age 15), and  Johan William (age 13).  

Frans, his wife, and the two youngest  boys (Otto and Oskar) moved to  
Bredalycke Norreg, in Längsjö.   Here, Frans farmed only 1/64 mantal –
undoubtedly insufficient to support a family.   

In 1895, wife Anna and the two youngest boys moved to North America.    Frans
remained in Bredalycke.

Frans and Anna were divorced in 1897.

In 1902, Frans remarried – a woman from Elmeboda named  Matilda
Gustafsdotter.   They were both 59 years of age.   He remained the
hemmansegare (farm owner) of a very small farm in Bredalycke Norreg until his
death in 1919 at age 76.