Ida Sofia Magnusdotter
History of Ida Sofia Magnusdotter

Ida Sofia Magnusdotter was born on June 28, 1854 in Nickalycke.     She
was the seventh child (fifth living child) in the large family of Magnus
Johannesson and Martha Lisa Isaksdotter.   Two more children were born
subsequent to her birth.

Ida Sofia grew up in a family of three brothers and three sisters, in a
village that her family had lived in for generations.   Her family was
perhaps more prosperous than some, as measured by the amount of land
that they farmed.

In 1872, Ida Sofia married Alfred Petersson.   She was 18 years old, and
Alfred was 23.  Ida moved to Alfred’s home in Kråksjömåla, a nearby
village.    There she lived with Alfred’s parents, two sisters, and up to four
farm maids.

In the marriage record, Alfred was described as a Landthandelsman
(perhaps a merchant), although he ultimately became the owner of his
father’s 1/6 mantal farm.

Ida Sofia began having her twelve children immediately, and continued to
bear children almost every two years until 1898.   Her first child was
Anna Albertina, who lived only five months.  Carl Edvin was born in 1875,
and Johan Aldo was born two years later.    In 1879, Anna Teresia was
born, and in 1881, Helga Charlotta was born.   Franz Lorenz (1883), Sigrid
Sofia (1885) and Otto Severin (1887) did not live beyond childhood.  
Nanny Elizabeth was born in 1890.  Oskar Teador was born in 1892, and
Signe Matilda in 1895.   Emmy Linnea was her last child, born in 1898
when Ida Sofia was 44 years of age.

In Kråksjömåla, it was somewhat common for family members to move to
North America.   Of the six families living in Kråksjömåla during the late
1880s and the early 1890s, five had at least one member of the family
leave for North America during that time period.   One was Ida Sofia’s
oldest son Carl Edvin, who left for North America in 1893.  Another was
her brother Wilhelm Magnusson who lived there at the same time as Ida
Sofia did, with his family.

Ida's son Carl Edvin returned to Kråksjömåla in 1900 from North
America.  He married Caroline Johansdotter in 1901, and began to farm.   
However, four of Ida's eight children ultimately did emigrate to North
America.   In 1902, Helga Charlotta and Johan Aldo left for North
America.   In 1911, OskarTeador emigrated, and in 1912 Signe Matilda did

In 1905, Ida's oldest daughter Anna Teresia married Oscar Herman
Carlson and moved to Elmaboda.  In 1915, Ida Sofia, Alfred and the two
remaining young girls, Nanny Elizabeth and Emmy Linnea joined them in
Elmaboda.   I have not been able to trace them from that time forward.